Friday 20 May 2016

Burning rubber for better results

The days of expensive gym equipment being the standard in the fitness industry are over. With the rise of functional training to the forefront of workout programs, there is no need to spend a ton of money on overpriced equipment or a costly gym membership again.Sure, those weight stack machines are great for any athlete or fitness enthusiast looking to get a quick burn or drop set at the gym, but the foundation of a challenging workout is either with free weights or functional training.A perfect example of functional training is tire training. It trains the body to use muscles for activities that would be performed in everyday life.Tire training helps everyone from athletes looking to get an edge on the competition to anyone just looking for a fun and different outdoor workout.The only equipment needed for a great tire workout is a truck or tractor tire and a sledgehammer. You can always stop in at a commercial or industrial tire shop and ask if they have any scrap tires that you can take off their hands. Many times they are happy to oblige.Here is a full body workout consisting of nine exercises that can be performed using a tire:

Tire Flips- Squat down with a straight back and grab underneath the tire. Next, deadlift the tire up, keeping the back straight. Step in as you push the tire forward flipping it on its other side. Repeat for a set of 15 repetitions.

Tire Pushups- Place hands shoulder width apart on a tire laying on its side. Lower the body like a regular pushup by bending at the elbows while keeping the rest of the body straight and push until the elbows are straight again. Repeat for a set of 15 repetitions.

Tire Planks- Place forearms on the side of the tire while keeping the body perfectly straight using the core muscles. Hold this position for 15 seconds.

Tire Mountain Climbers- Start by placing the hands on a tire in a pushup position. Pull one knee in close to the chest while keeping the opposite leg straight, and alternate legs repetitively for 15 repetitions on each.

Tire Dips- Begin by sitting on the tire facing away from it. Place hands on the edge of the tire next to your hips. Straighten your legs and push up by straightening the elbows. Bend the elbows keeping the legs straight using the arms to move the body up and down. Repeat for a set of 15 repetitions.

Tire Box Jumps- Stand in front of the tire and bend the knees slightly as you jump onto and off of the edge of the tire. Repeat for a set of 15 repetitions.

Tire Step Lunges- Face the tire at a leg’s length away. Lunge forward and step onto the edge of the tire while bending the front and back knees both at 90 degrees. Alternate legs and repeat for a set of 15 repetitions on each leg.

Tire Sledge Hits- Face the tire holding a sledgehammer at the bottom and top of the handle with each hand. Press (don’t swing!) the hammer up over the head and come down slamming the hammer into the tire. Slide the hand closest to the head of the hammer down the handle as you slam it down. Alternate hands for equal muscle exertion on both the left and right arms. Repeat for 15 repetitions on each side.

Tire In N’ Out Jumps- Face the tire similar to the box jump-starting position. Leap high into the air over the edge of the tire and into the empty space of the hole. Quickly jump out of the tire leaping over the opposite side. Repeat for a set of 15 repetitions.

Suspension training will push your limits

A gym that fits in a dufflebag- does this sound too good to be true? It is absolutely true! Welcome to Suspension Training.The equipment needed for Suspension Training is simply a suspension strap designed to adjust to any person’s height requirements and a secure place to wrap it or hook it.Suspension Training has been around for a very long time.  It is basically just utilizing ropes and straps to create resistance through the gravity of one’s own bodyweight.The difference between a pushup performed on the ground compared to a pushup performed on a suspension strap is that more muscles are engaged on the suspension strap in order to balance the body and maintain mobility throughout the movement of the exercise.

Also, suspension exercises require more core strength so the abdominal and lower back areas are toned more effectively than stable exercises performed on benches, machines, etc.

The most popular and well-known brand of Suspension Training is called “TRX” which stands for “Total Resistance eXercise”. It was popularized in 2005 when a former Navy SEAL developed and marketed a high quality suspension training strap that can be adjusted easily.

The military uses Suspension Training in much of its fitness training programs because of the overall effectiveness of the workouts along with the added convenience of being able to pack up and carry the strap in a small bag so easily.

Anyone involved in fitness can benefit from Suspension Training.  Senior citizens can gently perform exercises at their own pace while competitive athletes can push their limits in all kinds of creative ways with the same suspension equipment.

One aspect of Suspension Training that makes it so universally appealing is that in order to adjust the resistance during an exercise all you have to do is move your body forward or backward by taking small steps.

This also makes the training more open and convenient for advanced techniques such as dropsets.  You can perform a set of pushups standing at a high resistance, then as the muscles fatigue step forward to decrease the difficulty while continuing to stay in motion.

There are also numerous abdominal exercises that can be performed on Suspension Training straps which cannot be performed on other more common types of equipment.

Suspended Mountain Climbers are a good example of this.  Placing the instep of each foot in the stirrups of the straps while maintaining a pushup position, you must move the knees in and out towards the chest in an alternating motion.

Suspension Training is a great method of fitness for anyone going through the process of rebuilding strength and mobility in their body following a surgery after an injury.

There is no risk of lifting too much weight.  It is so much easier to regulate the resistance during the exercise because all that is needed is a slight change in body position.

Lifestyle factors play a major role in the consistency of workouts.  One of the biggest reasons people always give as to why they have not been active with fitness is because of time.

With Suspension Training you can set it up in your office, at home, or even on the road while out of town.  You can take it with you anytime you are travelling so it is much easier to stay on track with your workouts.

Not only is Suspension Training another option in the world of fitness equipment and formats, it is in many cases the better option.

Leg curls performed lying down with the ankles pulling the straps into the body while the core is elevated is one of the most effective and safest ways to work out the hamstrings.

If you want a new challenge to accelerate muscle growth and toning, then incorporate Suspension Training into your workouts.

Saturday 14 May 2016

Using dynamic and static stretching to keep your body safe

Fitness is just like life: the more flexible you are, the more you will enjoy it.Stretching is important in every exercise regimen, but it’s often pushed to the side and ignored. It’s so easy after a hard workout with weights and cardio to just brush off stretching.After a workout, endorphins are pumping and you may not feel like you need to stretch. This is when you need to stretch the most: before you feel like you need it.There are two types of stretching that you can do by yourself. Each has a very specific purpose and is most effective when done at the right time during your workout.The first is dynamic stretching. This type is typically done as a warm-up before you start your workout. In dynamic stretching the key element is motion.Because the muscles are moved through their range of motion repeatedly, dynamic stretching helps to loosen the muscles while also improving balance, coordination, and body awareness.Dynamic stretching is similar to regular isotonic exercise in that you perform a range of motion of the muscles for a set of repetitions.Dynamic stretching is not be confused with ballistic stretching, which is notable for its “bouncing.” The movement in dynamic stretching is smooth and controlled, not bouncing.Ballistic stretching can over extend the range of flexibility a muscle is capable of and possibly lead to an injury. In contrast to ballistic stretching, dynamic stretching is safe when performed properly because control is an integral part of each movement.While dynamic stretching is ideal as a warm-up to get the blood flowing through the muscles and increasing flexibility, static stretching is a great cool-down for the end of a workout routine.

Static stretching is the most common type.  Holding a toe touch is an example of a static stretch.  The purpose of a static stretch is to elongate a muscle in a lengthened position for a period of time.

For muscles that have been repeatedly contracted during an intense weights workout, static stretching helps to pull the muscles into a lengthened position to avoid injury and overall discomfort.

Static stretches can also be performed in between sets of exercise to keep the muscles loose. When a muscle is flexible it can move more freely which leads to better performance during a workout.

Both dynamic and static stretches are extremely important in every workout routine. Stretching is what keeps the body in balance.

Yoga has been beneficial in helping fitness-minded individuals understand the importance of flexibility and breathing as a huge part of fitness and health.

Breathing during any stretch is what will help to relieve tension. By nature stretching is a rhythm of tension and rest. During any tension a solid rhythm of inhaling and exhaling will keep the body in the proper balance.

Do NOT hold your breath during a stretch.  Your body needs oxygen so be sure to stay focused on your breathing.

By warming up with an energetic dynamic stretching routine and cooling down with a relaxing static stretching routine, you will get the most out of your workouts, stay injury-free, and enjoy your time exercising more than ever.

Don’t forget to start and end every workout with stretching!

The benefits of the stability ball

Who doesn’t want a firm, toned abdominal region? Tightening up the mid-section is one of the most common motivators for many people as they embark on a new fitness routine.One hindrance to working the abdominal muscles is that crunches, leg raises and planks done on the floor can be uncomfortable at times. The more comfortable you are while exercising the more likely you are to stay committed.A great alternative and improvement to doing abdominal workouts on the floor is the stability ball (also known as the balance ball or Swiss ball). It is a very inexpensive fitness tool that can be used in a multitude of ways to add freshness and comfort to your workout.Not only does the stability ball make it easier to get into many abdominal exercise positions, it also engages more muscles of the core area of the body because more balance is required to remain stable on it than the floor or a bench.Another advantage to incorporating the stability ball into abdominal workouts is that the lower back is effectively supported. Crunches on the floor are very effective but the unsupported space between the back and the floor can make crunch workouts uncomfortable on the lumbar area of the spine.The stability ball contours to the shape of the entire body that is resting on it so every part of the body touching the ball is supported.While performing all abdominal exercises remember to always exhale regularly with every repetition to provide continuous airflow through the body. Holding your breath will cut your sets short and make all the exercises much more difficult.The stability ball can be just what you need to start on a great abdominal routine for the upcoming spring and summer. It’s comfortable, convenient for use at home, and relatively inexpensive.Here are five effective exercises performed on a stability ball:

1. Rollouts- Start by kneeling behind the ball placing your fists on top of it. Smoothly roll forward letting your elbows eventually be the last part of your arm touching the ball as it rolls towards your body. Perform three sets of 10-12 repetitions.
2. Planks- Begin by kneeling behind the ball with your forearms resting on top. Straighten the entire body maintaining a firm posture on the stability ball. Hold this position for three sets of twenty seconds each.
3. Knee Tucks- Kneel in front of the ball and place one leg at a time up on it until you are in a pushup position with your shins resting on the ball. Pull the knees into the tucked position as the ball rolls with the motion of the legs. Perform for three sets of ten repetitions.
4. Pikes- Start in the same position as knee tucks. Keep the legs perfectly straight and raise the tailbone up towards the ceiling making an upside down “V” with the body as the ball rolls with the motion of the legs. This is one of the all-time most effective abdominal exercises. It engages not only the upper abs, but also the lower abs as well while maintaining balance using the obliques and lower back muscles simultaneously.
5. Crunches- Begin by sitting on the ball as if it is a chair. Take one step out with each leg as the ball rolls backwards. Next, find a stable spot on your lower back where the shoulder blades still hang off of the ball during the exercise to get a full range of motion. Raise the upper body up in a crunching motion and then return to the starting position. Repeat three sets of ten repetitions.

Friday 13 May 2016

Exercise Overload

Train hard, but train smart too!With the New Year over a month underway many people are starting on fresh new workout programs and pushing forward towards their results at full speed ahead. After a month or two many people start seeing results which may inspire them to push even harder to greatly increase the rate at which their bodies are changing.It is very common to gain momentum quickly when beginning a new fitness program.  The initial excitement is a great thing, but it is very important to not go too far with the amount and volume of your workouts.  Moderation is the key.The main thing you want to be cautious of while on a fitness program is overtraining. Overtraining is not only hazardous to your results, but to your health as well.The right amount of exercise is beneficial in so many ways: muscle growth, fat burning, increased energy, a stronger immune system, better sleep and elevated mood.However, if the body is over trained then each of these benefits will suffer. Symptoms of overtraining are typically chronic fatigue, decreased immunity, depressed mood, lack of interest in exercise, prolonged recovery and insomnia. There is also a much greater risk of injury when the body is over trained.

When a person over trains the body releases the hormone cortisol. This is a hormone that can lead to muscle breakdown if levels build up too high.

Too much cortisol will not only push the body into a catabolic state (when the muscles are broken down), but also weaken the metabolism which will lead to more fat being stored.

Cortisol has its purpose in the human body, but too much of it can undo so much of a your hard work in and out of the gym to get in shape and be healthy.

It is imperative that the body is kept in an anabolic state (building and toning muscle) and a metabolic state (burning calories).

The ways to avoid overtraining are by working smarter, not necessarily harder and take the “less is more” approach to your fitness routine. “Less is more” yields the most desirable results.

Here are some tips on preventing overtraining:

Limit workouts to 45-60 minutes max for 3-5 days per week.

After a certain amount of time the hormone response of the body to exercise is complete and any extra activity is no longer effective in building and toning muscle.  Professional bodybuilders workout 4-5 days per week for about 45 minutes per session. They make every minute count when they train, but they are totally finished with their workout routine in a relatively short amount of time.

Get plenty of rest.

Try your best to get 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night.  If you did not get adequate sleep, then try to fit a nap into your schedule at some point. Your body will reward you with plenty of energy, alertness and an elevated mood for it.

Incorporate plenty of variety into your workout routine.

Not only will this help to “shock” the muscles via the muscle confusion approach, but it will also ensure that the exact same parts of each muscle group are not overworked each workout. Muscle balance is very important in avoiding injury and for overall symmetry of the body.

Eat enough carbohydrates and protein.

Carbs are fuel for energy, and protein is the building material for muscles. You need the right amounts of both to keep the body healthy. When you are working out hard each day, you need to replenish the nutrients that your body uses. Get plenty of carbs at breakfast and lunch and eat protein consistently throughout the day, especially immediately after your workout.

Having a battle-plan is one of the most crucial aspects of training. Make sure that your plan is balanced with enough rest days and the right amount of nutrition to give the body what it needs to grow and recover at a healthy rate.

Friday 6 May 2016

Crunches vs. Sit-ups

Quicker abdominal workouts with better results, how is it possible

The answer: Crunches!For a tighter and more toned abdomen, crunches beat sit-ups. Sit-ups do require more physical exertion and energy but as far as stimulation of the actual abdominal muscles goes, crunches are the best choice.So why are sit-ups still part of the physical fitness routines of the military, police, firefighters and school physical education programs? Mainly, because they are still a great form of cardiovascular exercise along with being a great challenge.Sit-ups, pushups, and pull-ups require mental toughness and are all great measuring sticks of a person’s level of physical aptitude, and there is still a place for the exercise in the modern fitness routine.When you are looking to tone the upper ab muscles in as efficient of a way as possible, crunches are the key to results.Crunches are basically the direct abdominal muscle contraction portion of a sit-up. Past the crunch portion of a sit-up the abdominals are less involved and the hip flexors and lower back take over the remaining motion of the exercise.In addition to contracting the abdominal muscles much more effectively, crunches are much safer for the lower back and require a shorter range of motion than sit-ups. Take the “less is more” approach to abdominal training. Less range of abdominal motion leads to more muscle toning. A tighter abdominal routine will produce a tighter core.A crunch starts by lying on your back with the knees slightly bent and feet flat on the floor. The hands can be placed behind the head with the elbows bent or crossed in front of the chest. Some people even extend their arms straight out to help focus on the upward motion of a crunch.

Let the abs pull the upper body up and forward until both shoulder blades are not touching the floor. This is the full range of motion of the crunch. Once the shoulder blades are off the ground proceed by lowering the upper body down again in a controlled motion.

That’s it! There’s your crunch. Exhale every time you tense up to ensure plenty of airflow and to keep a strong rhythm in your breathing.

Try your best not to pull on the neck during crunches. Lift with the abs and let them do the bulk of the work. If you feel tension in your neck then stick to hands free crunches.

Crunches do require some neck strength, and the neck muscles will gain strength every workout. Eventually, you will not feel any pain in your neck as you proceed through the routine.

If you would like an extra challenge then perform your crunch routine on a decline bench. Try doing a set from the bottom lying position to halfway up, then another set from the top sitting position to halfway down.

Another way to make crunches more effective is to add resistance. Hold a weight plate, dumbbell, or medicine ball gently on your chest or in the air as you crunch. This will help to cut down on the amount of repetitions you will need to get maximum stimulation in the muscles.

When doing crunches it is so important to limit rest time to as little as possible because the abdominal muscles respond best to constant and repetitive stimulation.

Try doing 20 crunches holding a moderate weight and follow immediately with a set of 20 more crunches holding a light weight. Then perform 20 crunches without any weight.

Rest very little, if at all, between sets. This is a basic “drop set.”

Perform this routine every weekday. It will only take a few minutes and the results will be much better than doing a 20-minute abdominal workout one day per week.

Start your crunch workout today!

The Benefits of Plyometric Training

Explode for results!

One of the best ways to push your muscles to the max is to completely change up how you exercise to shock them into growing stronger, bigger, and more functional.

This is plyometrics—the category of training for those who want to challenge themselves to get results faster. The price that you pay is more effort, more exertion and more stamina.

Explosive plyometric workouts are not for the faint of heart. They are for people who want the competitive edge in sports and for those who want to build strength and metabolism at a record rate.

Most workouts are designed for isotonic fitness. This is the traditional way of performing a specific exercise in a controlled and steady motion. The focus of isotonic exercise is control and strict technique.

In contrast to isotonic exercises are plyometrics. These are exercises that focus on fast-twitch muscle fibers through explosive, fast, intense motions.

The benefits of plyometric exercises are great for anyone interested in time-efficient workouts that are a great challenge. Explosive exercises utilize more than one muscle group at a time so they burn more calories and build metabolism faster than regular isotonic training.

Plyometrics are an excellent tool for athletes who want to increase power, speed, quickness and agility. These same training techniques can help supercharge the metabolism to burn more calories in a shorter amount of time because of the high demand of muscle fiber recruitment to perform the exercises. Anyone interested in losing fat would greatly benefit from plyometric training.

An advantage of “plyo-training” is that the exercises are for the most part very simple, ground-based exercises. There is no need for expensive equipment to get an amazing workout with these explosive exercises.

Here are five plyometric exercises that are easy to incorporate into your regular workout routine for a jolt of explosive shock to the muscles:

A box jump (simply jumping from a standing position onto and off of a designated box) is a classic plyometric exercise. It will force the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes and calves to all work together as a team. Box jumps also are a very effective exercise for increasing vertical jump.

Clap pushups are another great plyometric exercise. Try to clap your hands as you push hard enough to catch some air while doing a pushup. Allow your elbows to bend very smoothly as your hands land flat on the ground. These explosive pushups serve as a great addition to any chest and/or shoulder workout routine for increasing strength. If you are stuck at a particular weight on bench press, then clap pushups could be the missing link in your routine for a new one-rep max.

Jump Lunges build tremendous strength in the leg muscles while also forcing the cardiovascular system to go into overdrive mode. Begin by stepping into a regular forward lunge, and then explode into the air with a jump while switching legs extremely fast to land with the opposite leg in front descending into the lunge immediately. Repeat the alternating movement until the set is complete.

Burpees are a multi-part exercise that begins with a standing position. First, crouch by bending the knees and placing the hands flat on the ground. Second, shoot the legs straight out behind you so that you are now in a pushup position. Third, pull the legs back into the crouching position. Finally, stand straight up and jump, with slightly bent knees. If you would like to add an extra challenge then perform a full pushup while in the pushup position before resuming the regular burpee technique again. This exercise is one of the most space-efficient and hard-hitting cardiovascular movements that you can do.

Mountain Climbers are great for lower abs and hip flexors. Begin by crouching into a lunge stretch position with one leg in front and the back leg extended straight out on the ball of your foot with hands flat on the ground. Quickly pull the back leg forward and extend the front leg back in a fast, alternating motion. Try your best to make the motion fluid and not choppy. You will find a rhythm the more you practice mountain climbers.

Plyometrics are an excellent way to revitalize your workouts with very little equipment and time. You can perform an entire workout with exclusively plyometrics or use them in your regular workouts as a warm-up or burnout.